Java Junkie's NFL Pool for 2024
Welcome to Java Junkie's corner of the NFL world. This Pool is in it's 36th season
This year's Pool selection will consist of five separate standard pools (Super Bowl Squares pool has been discontinued for lack of interest over the past several years):
As in the past, this year's Weekly and Season Pools will be based on confidence points. The Playoffs Pool format for this season will be the same as last season (Margin of Victory). Each pool will require their respective entry fees. As always, once the season has begun, new players can join in on the Weekly Pool, as well as the Playoffs Pool (the Season, Survivor and Margin Pools will be closed to new entrants once the season begins).
You may choose to play in any one of the pools individually or opt to play in all five with the following exception; you must play in the Weekly Pool to play in the Season, Survivor and/or Margin Pools. The Weekly, Season, Survivor and Margin Pools will be running concurrently. If you choose to play in two or all four of these pools, they will be played from the same set of picks each week, no need to enter separate picks for each pool.
If playing in one of the season long pools (or paying for a full season of Weekly pool entries), you will also need to submit a Default Pick Scheme. The Default Pick Scheme options are included on the Pool Sign-up Form (only those default pick options available on the sign-up form will be allowed).
All players must use the Signup Form to be included in the pool (this includes returning players).
Use the Pool Signup Form to signup for the different pools. All players must use the Signup Form to be included in the pool.
This years Signup Form will consist of two portions (Pool Signup and Default Pick Scheme). The Pool Signup is mandatory, while the Default Pick Scheme is recommended, but optional.
*** Reminder: You can only signup once and only a single time (current limitation of the new Managment software) ***
(If you need to adjust your pool signups, you will need to contact me to do so ... I will make the necessary adjustments on your behalf)
If you are a new player, you need to be sponsored by a previous or current player (there is a field available on the Signup Form to enter the sponsor name).
As with last season, Pool fees will be due up front and must be received by the end of the 3rd week of the season to help make the pool management run more smoothly.
The 2024 NFL Regular Season is 18 weeks long and starts Thursday, September 5, 2024
Picks for Week 1 will be due Wednesday, September 4th at Midnight!
Weeks 1-16 all have Thursday games,
so picks are due Wednesday evenings for all but Week 17 & 18.
Week 17 has Wednesday games, so picks will be due on Tuesday at Midnight ror Week 17.
Week 18 is TBD.
Picksheets for Week 1 will be available by Monday, September 1st
The Super Bowl 100 Squares Pool is being discontinued going forward due to lack of interest the past few years.
Now, On To This Year's Rules And Instructions
POOL ENTRY FEES (no changes for 2024)
Entry fees for each pool type are listed below. One point is equal to one dollar.
Pool Type |
Entry Fee |
Weekly |
1 Point per Week (18 Points per Season) |
Season |
5 Points per Season |
Survivor |
5 Points per Season |
Margin |
5 Points per Season |
Playoffs |
5 Points per Season |
WEEKLY POOL (no changes for 2024)
This pool is run each week. The goal is to try and get as many points as possible based on the Confidence Points Method. The player with the most points wins. For weeks 1-16 the player with the least amount of points will receive the consolation prize of a free play for one of the remaining weeks. Games that end in a tie will score half the confidence points placed on the game. The Tiebreaker Method will be used incase two or more players tie for the most (or least) points.
Point Spreads will not be used in calculating winners or losers. Point Spreads are provided only as an aid in making your picks.
Point Spreads will be obtained on Tuesdays via the following web sites (as ordered); Pool program itself,, USA Today NFL Odds or The Sports Network NFL Odds.
Note: For missed weeks (picks not made prior to the deadline):
Online Picksheets will be available on Tuesday for each week. Picksheets can be submitted in Advance by using the Picks-in-Advance option under the Java Junkie Extras menu pull-down. Also, for your convenience, hardcopy versions of the picksheets for the entire season will be made available for download. Both of these options should be available, via the Picks-In-Advance page, by Week 2 of the season.
Each Week an Excel Spreadsheet version of the Player Selections will be made available for download from a link on the Player Selections Page. This spreadsheet will allow you to track the standings as you enter scores for the week's games.
Don't have Excel! No problem, you can download the Excel Viewer, install it and then click on the 'For Excel Viewer' link on the Player Selections Page. When you install the viewer it will also install a browser plug-in. You will be able to enter scores and check the player standings. Note: You won't be able to save the results. You will need to re-enter the scores each time. |
Entry Fee: |
1 Point |
Prizes: |
First: |
100% of pool minus 1 point* |
Last: |
Free Play** |
* |
1 point goes towards the consolation prize (excludes week 18) |
** |
Free Play for one of the remaining weeks (weeks 2-18) |
SEASON POOL (no changes for 2024)
This pool is run over the entire length of the regular season. Weekly confidence points scored are accummulated for weeks 1-18. Games that end in a tie will score half the confidence points placed on the game. The top three players with the most total overall season points win. The Tiebreaker Method will be used incase of ties for most points. The prize amounts are set according to the table below.
Note: For missed weeks (picks not made prior to the deadline), players will receive default picks based on the Default Pick Scheme submitted along with the Pool Sign-up Form.
Entry Fee: |
5 Points |
Prizes: |
First: |
60% of pool |
Second: |
25% of pool |
Third: |
15% of pool |
SURVIVOR POOL (no changes for 2024)
This pool runs the entire regular season. As with the other pools, point spreads will not be used to determine winners or losers. The goal is to stay alive as the season progresses. The Tiebreaker Method will be used incase of ties. The rules for this pool are simple:
Note: For missed weeks (picks not made prior to the deadline), players will receive a default Survivor pick (based on their Default Pick Scheme on file); otherwise, first available Away team going down the Picksheet followed by first available Home team).
Online Picksheets will be available on Tuesday for each week.
Entry Fee: |
5 Points |
Prizes: |
First: |
60% of pool |
Second: |
25% of pool |
Third: |
15% of pool |
MARGIN POOL (no changes for 2024)
This pool runs the entire regular season. As with the other pools, point spreads will not be used to determine winners or losers. The goal is to end up with the most Margin of Victory points at the end of the regular season. The Tiebreaker Method will be used incase of ties. The rules for this pool are simple:
Note: For missed weeks (picks not made prior to the deadline), players will receive a default Survivor pick (based on their Default Pick Scheme on file); otherwise, first available Away team going down the Picksheet followed by first available Home team).
Online Picksheets will be available on Tuesday for each week.
Entry Fee: |
5 Points |
Prizes: |
First: |
60% of pool |
Second: |
25% of pool |
Third: |
15% of pool |
PLAYOFFS POOL (changes for 2024)
The Playoffs format will be the same as last year, what I call the "Margin of Victory" format. The format includes the Wildcard Games. As during the regular season, players will need to enter their picks for each round of the Playoffs. Here is a rundown on how the Playoffs will be played this season (be sure to drop me a line, if you have any questions on this method):
As was done last year, there will be no Penalty Points awarded for picking the wrong team (it was decided that the point differential between the guessed and actual is penalty enough.
For each week, including the Wildcard Games:
- Pick the winner of every game + how many points the winning team will win by
- No Penalty Points for picking the wrong team (difference between outcome is penalty enough)
- Scoring:
- Winner Picked:
- Game Margin points - Your Predicted Points (positive value)
- Loser Picked:
- Game Margin points + Your Predicted Points
- The object is to have the LOWEST point total overall
- Say San Francisco is playing Dallas in the first Wildcard game and you pick San Francisco by 3
- If San Francisco wins by 3, you get "0" points...the best possible for a game
- If San Francisco wins by 10, you would get 7 points (10 points minus your predicted 3)
- Now if Dallas wins by 3, you would get 6 points, you were off by 6 points (game difference of 3 + your predicted for San Francisco of 3)
Along with your entry for the Superbowl you will also enter your estimated total points to be scored. This value will be used as a Tiebreaker, if necessary.
This method seems to make for a much more enjoyable Playoffs. I like the fact that no one is "out of the running" after the first round is finished. Strategy can definitely be used here. Of course, a lot of ground can be made up if you're daring enough to go out on a limb and pick a team to win by a whopping big amount, and have that team come through for you. We saw some pretty big spreads during some of the playoff games in previous seasons. Who knows, it could happen again.
A continued thanks to Paulk ( for passing along his take on an exciting Playoff Pool format.
Picksheets for the playoffs will be ready the Tuesday following Week 18, just in time for the Wildcard games.
Entry Fee: |
5 Points |
Prizes: |
First: |
60% of pool |
Second: |
25% of pool |
Third: |
15% of pool |
RULES FOR PLAY (changes for 2024)
Players must first fill-in and submit a Pool Signup Form to indicate which of the five pools they will be participating, along with a Default Pick Scheme, if required. Then prior to the season's start (Week 3 at the latest), players must submit the point fees up front to cover for the pools they have elected to enter. Once a Pool Signup Form has been received, the Pool Manager will send an email message with fee submission information to the respective participant.
Players are to submit picks according to the schedule below. Weekly/Season Pool players are to pick the winners of each game and assign a confidence point value based on the number of games for the week. Survivor/Margin Pool players should select their weekly Teams in the appropriate drop-down list provided. Playoff Pool players should follow the rules outlined in the section above. Point spreads are for reference only and will not be used in calculating wins or losses. All player's picks are entered into the system and posted to the web page prior to the week's first kickoff.
Submitting your picks: |
Internet (preferred) |
A copy of player picks are stored on the server. If you get the confirmation HTML page, then your picks were received. An email confirmation is no longer required to indicate that your picks were received. You can use the 'What Are My Current Picks on File' button from the picksheet to verify your submission. Note: Formatted E-mail picksheets for the entire season are available on the Picks-in-Advance option link under the Java Junkie Extras menu pull-down for those having problems with the Internet Picksheet. |
Submission Type | First Game of the Week | Picks Due |
Internet | Wednesday | Tuesday by midnight |
Thursday / Friday | Wednesday by midnight | |
Saturday / Sunday | Friday by midnight |
Each week will have a certain number of games (1 to X). The confidence points will range from 1 to the value of X. Each confidence point value can be used only once. Your goal is to assign each of your picks with a confidence point value based on how you think the particular pick will fair. Your highest confidence point value should be placed on the game whose outcome you feel has the best chances of matching yours. In contrast, you should put your 1 point value on the game you feel most likely could go the other way. If your pick wins, you will receive the number of confidence points you assigned to that particular game. Should a game end in a tie (a rare event), you will be awarded half the Confidence Points for that game (treated as a tie). The player having the most confidence points will be designated the winner. Should two or more players end up with the same total points, the appropriate Tiebreaker method described below will be used.
Total Points Tiebreaker: |
This tiebreaker uses your Total Points guess you entered on your picksheet. The player that is CLOSEST (either side) with their guess to the actual total points scored is the winner. |
Total Wins Tiebreaker: |
This tiebreaker uses the sum of the total number of games won over the course of the pool involved. The player with the most wins is the winner. |
Lowest Monday Night Difference Tiebreaker: |
This tiebreaker uses the sum of the differences between your Monday Night Total Points guess and the actual scores. That sum is then divided by the number of weeks played to get your Average difference. The player with the Lowest Average difference is the winner. |
Lowest Strikes Against Tiebreaker (Survivor): |
This tiebreaker uses the sum of the Strikes against a player. The player with the Lowest Strikes against them is the winner. |
Best Streak Tiebreaker (Survivor): |
This tiebreaker uses the longest streak of consecutive weeks without a strike against a player. The player with the Best Streak is the winner. |
Best Home-Stretch Streak Tiebreaker (Survivor): |
This tiebreaker uses the longest streak of consecutive weeks without a strike against a player to end the season. The player with the Best Home-Stretch Streak is the winner. |
Tiebreaker Note: |
Weekly Pool: |
Season Pool: |
Survivor Pool: |
Margin Pool: |
Playoff Pool: |
Now for some humorous rules, generated by the NFL Poolmanager program as a sample rules page.
Please send comments or suggestions to Java Junkie.
Note: The pool entry fee for all five pools will be waived for the manager, namely me. This will help defray the annual time involvement in maintaining the pool and any software costs to aid the pool. However, any additional entries (ie. a second player entry) will not be subject to this exclusion. |